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Adrenal Fatigue and Heart Palpitations

  • There are several ways that stress and adrenal fatigue can lead to heart palpitations
Page Contents:

Epinephrine & Palpitations

Hyperventilation & Palpitations

Hypoglycemia & Palpitations

Magnesium Deficiency & Palpitations


Heart palpitations are a common adrenal fatigue symptom.

In a survey of visitors to this site, 55.9% answered Yes to having heart palpitations.

Like many symptoms, this particular symptom is not from fatigue of your adrenal glands. But it is related to the same chronic stress that is exhausting your adrenal glands.

There are a few ways that chronic stress can lead to heart palpitations. This article covers some of the ways that chronic stress might lead to palpitations.

Note: The article Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms contains a complete list of symptoms that are common.

Epinephrine (Adrenaline)

High levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) can cause heart palpitations 1,2. Acute stress will result in high levels of epinephrine.

adrenal fatigue palpitations

Especially in the early stages of adrenal fatigue, you will likely have high epinephrine.

If you are still in a state of being wired.....this can be a cause.

Palpitations often occur at the same time as Anxiety.

Hyperventilation and Palpitations

Heart palpitations can be caused by hyperventilation 3,4,5. Those with adrenal fatigue very often have chronic hyperventilation problems (shortness of breath, air hunger, etc.)

If you are suffering from chronic stress, you will have subconscious hyperventilation. You will have low levels of CO2 (carbon-dioxide) in your blood. Low CO2 can lead to muscle spasms, which can result in heart palpitations 6.

adrenal fatigue palpitations

This is a bit like the question Which came first....the chicken or the egg.

Are the palpitations the result of hyperventilation?......or are they the result of the stress that is causing the hyperventilation?

It shouldn't matter too much to you. Your goal is the same. Reduce your stress levels. That will help with all of your adrenal fatigue symptoms.

Hypoglycemia and Palpitations

Hypoglycemia can also result in palpitations7,8.

Those dealing with adrenal fatigue very often have hypoglycemia issues. See the article Hypoglycemia and Adrenal Fatigue for more information.

Like many AF symptoms.....the link is because of cortisol. Only this time...low cortisol is the issue.

  A deficiency of growth hormone from the pituitary gland or of cortisol from the adrenal glands. Both of these hormones help to keep blood sugars normal9

Cortisol is used to regulate blood glucose levels 9, 10. During the later stages of adrenal fatigue, your cortisol is likely low, which can result in the hypoglycemia symptoms that many experience.

Even if you are not in later stages of adrenal fatigue, you may still have periods during the day when your cortisol is low. Your circadian rhythm may be off.

See the following saliva hormone test...... Saliva Hormone Test (pdf). Note how there are periods where cortisol is low, even though it is high during other periods.

Magnesium Deficiency and Heart Palpitations

Magnesium deficiency is one possible cause1. If you have been exposed to years of stress, you will be deficient in magnesium.

In fact, magnesium deficiency can be a cause for many of the adrenal fatigue symptoms you may be experiencing

  Symptoms of chronic magnesium deficiency include anxious behavior, hyperemotionality, apathy, apprehension, poor memory, confusion, anger, nervousness, muscle weakness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, light-headedness, dizziness, nervous fits, the feeling of a lump in the throat, impaired breathing, muscle cramps (including leg cramps), a tingling or pricking or creeping feeling on the skin, rapid pulse, chest pain, palpitations, and abnormal heart rhythm. 11

Please see the article Magnesium for Adrenal Fatigue for more information.


So there are several ways that stress and adrenal fatigue can lead to heart palpitations. The exact reason is not important.

You can make them stop by reducing stress with meditation and other treatment techniques. Correcting mineral deficiencies is also important

I used to have them quite bad. But as of 2013, I have not experienced them for about 3 years.

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2. Epinephrine
4. Hyperventilation
5. Hyperventilation Syndrome: A Diagnosis Begging for Recognition
6. CO2: The Best Natural Muscle Relaxer
7. Hypoglycemia
8. University of Mariland: Hypoglycemia
9. Hypoglycemia: Medline Plus
10. Cortisol
11. Dean Md Nd, Carolyn (2008-12-24). The Magnesium Miracle . Random House, Inc.

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